Tvtropes half life 2
Tvtropes half life 2

Cue the soldier and his buddy shooting the crap out of the vent, causing you to drop right out. Then suddenly one of them says "I hear something". In Surface Tension, you're crawling through an air vent, like you've done so many times before, with the soldiers below chattering on their radios none the wiser. An Alien Grunt in Surface Tension punches a human soldier so hard that he launches him and breaks a concrete wall.The very first Vortigaunt you encounter introduces himself by banging on a heavy steel door, making a huge bulge in it, and then hitting it again full force, shattering the door to pieces, before throwing lightning at you.

tvtropes half life 2 tvtropes half life 2

  • Even the unnamed mooks get awesome moments:.
  • It's also worth noting that the HECU is monitoring Freeman's every move via the tracking devices in his suit, and set up ambushes for him literally every 10 or 20 square feet he kills all of them anyway. Particular highlights include the battle against the squad of soldiers, turret placements, and helicopter at the Dam, Freeman crossing a sheer cliff face crawling with Marines before fighting up and out of a large storm drain covered by an entrenched squad and two tanks, the area where the marines' Osprey continually drops soldiers to kill a group of alien grunts, and Freeman calling in an airstrike on a Gargantua. So he goes through, fighting marines, aliens, helicopters, turret placements, and main battle tanks, all while the aliens and soldiers fight one another (and in a small CMOA for the Marines, they usually win).

    tvtropes half life 2

    only to discover that the marines and aliens are still fighting, and the marines are constantly bombing the area. Gordon Freeman finally makes it out of Black Mesa.

    Tvtropes half life 2